Curbside pickup 11am-3pm Monday to Saturday
We are excited to announce our curbside business hours are 11-3 Monday-Saturday and we will be expanding our hours and days as things move forward.
Please call us 415-897-2892 or email us dgographic@aol.comif you need anything or have any questions.
Our voicemail is always available 24 hours a day.
You can also reach us here.
We are also still doing free local deliveries and wolrdwide shipping.
Thanks to everyone so far for your support.
Steve Earle Private Virtual In Store Performance To Support Indie Record Stores
Steve Earle's new album Ghosts of West Virginia is being released on Friday, May 22nd on New West Records. To give fans a special preview of the new album from the safety of everyone's homes, Steve is going to do a private in-store performance online on Friday, May 15th for fans who pre-order the album through indie record stores like us at Watts Music in Novato!
Pre-order Ghosts of West Virginia on CD, LP or limited edition indie exclusive blue & yellow color vinyl online here and you'll get a ticket to access the virtual performance. Plus, Amoeba Music will receive a portion of each sale! If you've already pre-ordered the album, you can choose the 'in-store ticket only' option to gain access to the show.
Be sure to pre-order your copy of the new album here to benefit us at Watts Music.
** Each pre-order guarantees you Ghosts of West Virginia on your purchased format that will be shipped to your door to arrive on or before May 22, 2020.
** Each order also includes a ticket to Steve Earle's virtual in-store that will go live on May 15th.
** Price includes shipping and handling.
** Physical products are only available in the United States. If you are outside the U.S., please choose the ticket-only option.
** A link and password to watch the in-store will be emailed to you on May 14th from New West Records. You can watch the show as many times as you want for one week.